Examples for "respiratory distress"
Examples for "respiratory distress"
1Patients: Adult patients receiving prone positioning for moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome.
2EMS encounters with patients in respiratory distress have not been well described.
3Residents reported symptoms of nausea and respiratory distress in the hours afterwards.
4At peak, patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome may outnumber mechanical ventilators.
5The characteristics of acute respiratory distress syndrome include inflammation and cardiovascular dysfunction.
1Air leak with severe respiratory difficulty was associated with poor prognosis.
2Rapid identification of respiratory difficulty with strategic stabilization and diagnostic efforts are warranted to maximize patient outcome.
3Pepper sprays which cause temporary blindness and respiratory difficulty are widely used for self defence and by security personnel.
4If this poor bloke was still alive, we might be able to explain why he sometimes got respiratory difficulty.
5These patients have shown a considerable improvement in hypersomnia and respiratory difficulties.
1Exposure to vinyl chloride can cause a burning sensation in the eyes or respiratory discomfort.
2Exposure to vinyl chloride is known to cause a burning sensation in the eyes or respiratory discomfort.
3We studied 13 normal subjects who performed repeated breath holds while continuously rating their respiratory discomfort using a visual analogue scale.
1If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.
2The warning signs of COVID-19 infection are cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
3The woman's face was flushed, and she was obviously having difficulty breathing.
4One nostril was clogged with blood and she was having difficulty breathing.
5Given his current difficulty breathing, Lopé likely would have no chance at all.
6For example, tumours located within the chest may be accompanied by difficulty breathing.
7While these symptoms are usually mild, more serious symptoms can include difficulty breathing.
8He seemed to have difficulty breathing; he kept one hand on Gullberg's shoulder.
9Symptoms include fever, difficulty breathing and coughing, similar to many other respiratory illnesses.
10Signs and symptoms of infection include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.
11People may experience sweating, nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing for a few hours.
12He was having such difficulty breathing I worried for his heart.
13I shivered, finding to my surprise that I was having difficulty breathing normally.
14Some of the symptoms are similar, such as fever, difficulty breathing and coughing.
15He sounded congested, as if he was having difficulty breathing through his nose.
16In the weeks immediately after birth, preemies often have difficulty breathing and digesting food.
Translations for difficulty breathing